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Office of the President

Welcome to Clover Park Technical College!

全球最大网赌正规平台由5名董事会成员管理, 由西北大学委员会认证, and receives financial support from the CPTC Foundation.

无论你是第一次进入大学还是回到大学为职业转变做准备, CPTC is the place for you. As a college committed to “Educating Tomorrow’s Workforce,“我们提供40多个技术领域的学位和证书选择,让您为具有挑战性和回报丰厚的职业做好准备.

作为一名学生,您将接受教师的实践培训,他们是各自领域的专家, who maintain strong ties with business and industry, and who pay attention to market trends. 结果是CPTC毕业生因其相关知识和技术技能而受到雇主的高度重视. 

CPTC is a college focused on your success. Here, you will find excellent, affordable education; hands-on training facilities; nationally accredited programs; and a faculty and staff that are among the most talented and innovative in the nation.

我们的专职工作人员在这里支持和帮助你,因为你追求你的教育目标. CPTC has much to offer students beyond the classroom, from the Associated Student Government, to campus organizations, to professional associations, to community work-based learning, and more. 我鼓励你们利用这些机会丰富自己的教育和发展.

我们对CPTC的技术教育传统感到非常自豪. 我们对我们的未来感到兴奋,并很荣幸你是其中的一部分.

Don’t wait! 今天就开始你的教育目标,全球最大网赌正规平台友好和乐于助人的学生成功工作人员之一. 他们会回答你的问题,并帮助你完成我们的注册和录取过程. We look forward to serving you.

Dr. Joyce Loveday

From the President

Dr. Joyce Loveday自6月起担任Clover Park Technical College的总裁, 2016; however, 自2002年以来,她一直是大学社区不可或缺的一部分, 担任商业和计算机技术学院院长, Assistant to the President, Associate VP for Instruction, and VP for Student Learning.

Dr. Loveday的累积高等教育经验超过30年... read more about Dr. Loveday

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